What’s Wrong With My Cat? 5 Common Health Problems

What’s Wrong With My Cat? 5 Common Health Problems

It’s important to have an understanding of common pet ailments so that you are able to recognise a problem and get the right help as soon as possible!

Here are five common health problems that your pet kitty may encounter during their life:

1. Parasites like fleas, ticks and worms

Few cats get through life without carrying a parasitic visitor on them at some point. Fleas cause itching and can result in tapeworms, while ticks transmit diseases. You might need to check if your cat is suffering from parasites if they are scratching, licking or biting themselves excessively, or you notice significant hair loss. However, parasites are easily prevented by keeping your cat indoors, keeping the house clean and tidy, and using a cat-specific tick and flea treatment regularly. Parasitic worms like roundworms, tapeworm and hookworm also infect cats so watch out for weight loss, bloating, vomiting and a dull coat.

2. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases (FLUTDs)

This term refers to a number of conditions like urinary stones, urethral obstruction and Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC). Your cat will usually show signs of pain and difficulty when urinating if they have FLUTD. They may also urinate frequently, often outside the litter box, have signs of blood in their urine, and lick their genitals more than usual. Cats that don’t drink enough water are more at risk of FLUTDs so make sure clean, fresh water is always available. Seeing how common these diseases are, pet insurance can help to take some of the financial burden off cat owners when they strike.

3. Obesity

Studies have suggested that up to 50% of cats are overweight. This is an obvious condition to pick, and common causes include having a sedentary lifestyle, leaving dry food out for your cat at all times, and providing high-carbohydrate food. Obesity increases the risk of other problems like diabetes, joint pain, skin conditions and liver disease so it’s important to take control of your cat’s diet. Measure how many treats you give them and opt for wet, low-calorie options. You can also get them to exercise by playing with them and giving them toys!

4. Skin problems

Cats are particularly prone to skin issues that arise from flea, food or environmental allergies, ringworm or abscesses. Recognising the signs and symptoms early is important so that your cat doesn’t suffer from these treatable conditions. Symptoms may include dry and flaky skin, oily fur, red skin, pimples, blisters, scabs or a bad smell. Your cat may also be scratching, biting or licking themselves excessively. Outside cats that fight with others commonly suffer from abscesses. These can become problematic as bacteria grows under the skin and it can make your cat very sick, so take them to a vet as soon as possible.

5. Vomiting and diarrhoea

As us cat owners know, cats sure do have a knack for vomiting everywhere. Usually it is because they ate something that they disagree with, but if it becomes more than the occasional incident it could signal an illness. Diarrhoea can also occur because your cat ate some sort of food or plant they shouldn’t have, but if it lasts for more than a day and is in combination with vomiting, or there is blood in the stools, it’s time to see the vet.

If your feline family member unfortunately falls ill, Prime Pet Insurance is there to help your cat get the treatment it deserves.